Raise Fund

Fundraising for Imran Khan Cancer Appeal, Inc.
Sports in Pakistan's fundraiser to construct a mammography room at the upcoming Shaukat Khanum Hospital in Karachi.
Event: Berlin Marathon 2023, on 24 September 2023


PKR 2 raised by
1 Supporters

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Frequently asked questions

What can I raise money for?

In short, anything that has a positive impact on individuals, communities, and the environment.

Most people use JustGiving Crowdfunding to help a friend in need. Not sure if itʼs for you?

What happens if I donʼt hit my target?

If you donʼt hit your target youʼll still receive any funds you raised (minus some small fees), so you can still make good things happen.

Our data shows that pages with targets raise more than those without, so itʼs good to have something to aim for.

Can I change my page duration?

A shorter time limit keeps up the momentum and thatʼs why pages have an initial duration of 120 days.

Once your page is active you can extend it up to 1 year if you prefer.